Revival Baptist Ministries International
Pastor in charge: Rev. Theophilus Isaac Arthur
Spouse: Mrs. Julliet Arthur
Located at
13386 Telegraph Road
Woodbridge VA 22192
For Further Information
Tel: 703-944-3054
Fax: 571-499-8179
Email: theogospel2003@gmail.com
Website: Website: www.revivalbaptistministriesint.org
Service Times: Sundays 10:AM and 1:00PM
Service Details
Formal and informal attire most common
Blend of traditional and contemporary worship style
Printed worship bulletin
Communion first Sunday of the month
Altar call or invitation
Service Details
Formal and informal attire most common
Blend of traditional and contemporary worship style
Printed worship bulletin
Communion first Sunday of the month
Altar call or invitation
Ministries and Groups
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Young Adult ministry
Young Ladies Ministry
Children's ministry
Church Gallery